viernes, 5 de octubre de 2007

Hundreds a head!

You know that famous sentence that we said to our children:"eat everything because there is children dying in Africa with the lack of food"? I used to hear even worse, with pictures of Somalian kids, and I used to think; I should go and eat all of it, look at these children, just flies and nothing else! ...well... it seems that US does not care about nutrition issues, as they have a lunch in London which costs £500-a-head, the same as $1,000!!!
This article about foundraising methods among US presidential candidates is about this, a day in the life of a candidate ... three PMs and a £500-a-head lunch.
Republican presidential frontrunner came to London and brought their campaigns, particularly because there are an estimated 200,000 Americans living in the UK, out of around 6.6 million worldwide.
Money, of course, was the most obvious explanation for the presence in Britain of the Republican frontrunner: tickets to the Mandarin Oriental lunch cost $1,000 each each (£500), or $2,300 with the bonus of having your photo taken alongside Mr Giuliani
Bill Clinton is due to hold an event for his wife, Hillary, in Windsor next month, two weeks before Michelle Obama does the same in London for her husband, Barack. The Republican Fred Thompson came earlier this year.
So much money to the same type of people! and there is still others who are in deep debt to these 'biggest' countries.
I reckon that if instead of spending this thousands of pounds in luxury lunches, they gave this money to others...maybe this debt would be better balanced.

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