martes, 16 de octubre de 2007

Sweet end

42 blogs done!!!!!!!! and what a better way to end this series of blogs than talking about CHOCOLATE instead of wars, AMERICA, blood, PRESIDENTIAL, propaganda, BRUMA, Clinton, IRAN, Iraq, etc.
This article, also from today, is about rivalry between leading chocolatiers.
Barry Colenso has an enviable reputation as a real-life Willy Wonka and he adventurously expanded Thorntons' range. Well, it seems like Hotel Chocolat discover Colenso on CCTV "methodically gripping several chocolate selections at one of their shops.
He doesn't know what motivated such dramatic sabotage, but visiting rivals' stores to cast a close eye over their latest confections is commonplace in the secretive, combative world of high-end chocolate.
Image....chocolate fights, chocolate "blood" everywhere and then apologies and chocolate hugs!
How sweet the world would be if instead of money and mean acts we only had chocolate and sweets to through at ourselves? :)

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