viernes, 5 de octubre de 2007

Prises raising and Patience failing...

Everyone is aware of the risk that Americans have in what it comes to health care.This article is one of the many proves of this concern!
It claims that health care and insurances in America are rising costs, and Americans are also being aware of this failure so they are losing patience with they failing system.
As we go to a hospital waiting room, same as in Europe, we can notice people watching TV while awaiting for their turn, a two-month-old baby, people with chemical burns brought in after a fight with the police, patients with asthma and diabetes, but none of these people have access to adequate medical care, unlike in Europe. And then there is the doctor who says that it is people's fault to be in this critical state, as they don't come in until their health gets to a critical mass.
I guess America is between two extremes: the ones who live in Hollywood and can afford benefits, high insurances, even a visit of a doctor, but then there is the rest (80% population I would say) which cannot afford assistance, such as elderly who cannot even afford prescriptions.
America spends more money on prevention and treatment of disease than ever before, yet it is falling behind on such basic indicators of health as infant mortality and life expectancy.
The US health care system is considered a dysfunctional mess," writes Ezekiel Emanuel, chairman of the department of clinical bioethics, in a recent issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association.
If even doctors find this true, why not start changing the health care environment, instead of being concern only about Global warming as environment problem?

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