viernes, 5 de octubre de 2007

Romney and the money.

A good way to check who is running for US president as well as to check how are they moving around to obtain votes and appreciation is having a list of names, and also ensure how much money are they spending.
This article is about campaign funds, and where they are being provided from.
As we read, the campaign teams of US presidential candidates are today expected to begin revealing the extent of their fundraising in the year's third quarter. The last days were accompanied by aggressive bids to build bank accounts ahead of an expensive stretch of media advertising.
Questions such as how much money has Mitt Romney, a multimillionaire, lent his campaign? Are Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton leading the pack in fundraising? Has Republican John McCain turned the corner and stabilised his fundraising? Did Fred Thompson, turn the popular support he enjoyed before becoming a Republican candidate into hard cash?
Can former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani maintain the pace he set in the second quarter as the Republican best able to raise money from individual donors?
Will John Edwards remain on track to meet his goal of raising $40m (£20m) by the end of the year? Will Democratic senators Joe Biden and Christopher Dodd raise enough to keep them in the race? As for the New Mexico governor Bill Richardson, he announced yesterday that he had raised $5.2m.
These are the names, but is really the money from their own pockets or fundraising? Perhaps American Nation should agreed how much are they going to "donate" to these fellows and companions candidates, as we would not like to have the same mistake as George W. Bush... maybe the rest of the world should also vote, yet, no more money is needed! If not, ask Iraq and the oil and money which has been "taken away" all these last years!

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